SAFETY FIRST: We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe in our school. More details
Setting Up Payment
Gan Kochavim utilizes an automatic payment portal and does not accept checks or non-electronic forms of payment, at this time. All billing notifications and invoices will be received via FACTS. One of our primary goals is to concentrate our efforts on improving the operations side of our school. By taking advantage of the security and convenience of payment processing and information technology offered by FACTS, we remain committed to this goal.
Below you will find a link to set up your user profile. Profile set up must be completed upon registration.
As always, we will continue to work with families should special circumstances or hardship cases arise during the school year. Thank you for your continued loyalty to Passaic Clifton Playgroup. We depend on your support in our efforts to provide the highest quality of education for your children. Your continued cooperation is appreciated, as we remain committed to our mission.
Creating Your User Profile
Tuition is due in full by March 15th. After March 15th, payment is due in full upon receipt of your registration submission. If we do not receive your payment by the due date, your child's spot cannot be held any further. Through April 15th, refunds will be the full payment minus a $350 non-refundable fee. Through May 15th, refund will be 50% of the full payment. After May 15th, no refund will be issued.
Creating Your User Profile
You will realize these benefits by using FACTS for your tuition payment plan:
CLICK HERE to access the FACTS portal
If you are a new user, click "create a username and password" to begin
Then click on the Set Up a Payment Plan link
Select the appropriate school year
Complete the steps as prompted and pay the $350 registration fee
Continue to the application page on this website and fill in your child's details
More About FACTS
You will realize these benefits by using FACTS for your tuition payment plan:
Payment Dates: You may choose either the 1st or 25th of each month as your payment date. Automatic payments can be made from a checking or savings account or from a variety of credit cards, if applicable. Please note there is a fee associated with using credit card for payment, you may use a checking account for no additional fee.
Convenience & Security: Along with multiple payment plan options, your payments are processed securely through a bank to bank transaction.
Peace of Mind Insurance: FACTS offers this optional benefit for only $20 per year per family. In the event of death of the Responsible Party or spouse, the remaining tuition balance owed for the current school year is paid to the school.
Since the stability of our school and the quality of its programs are of the utmost importance, we are always seeking ways to improve. After much research and investigation, we have partnered with FACTS Management Company to help us manage our tuition payment program. FACTS is used by over 7,000 national schools. We are excited to be working with them and are confident this program will offer greater efficiency and financial stability for the school while providing convenience to families.