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Health & Illness

The health and safety of our Preschool students is as important to us as it is to their families. Thus it is imperative that each child have a current medical examination form on file in the Preschool office. Please note the following rules:

  • No child will be permitted to school without turning in a medical examination form completed by the child’s doctor.

  • Please provide a written note to your child’s teacher if the child was given medication prior to the beginning of the school day. It is important for the teachers to be aware of any possible side-effects or symptoms.

  • Please let the Director know if your child contracts a contagious/communicable disease, such as chicken pox, strep throat, head lice, impetigo, pink eye, etc. Notices will be posted, as necessary, for the benefit of all children. A Doctor’s note is required for your child to return to the program after a contagious illness.

Children who are ill should not be sent to school. Children returning to school after an illness must be well enough to participate in all activities. We go outside to play each day except when it is raining or extremely cold. If your child is too sick to go outside, please do not bring your child to school.

As the parent, you are the best judge of your child’s well-being; however, a child who has had any of the following conditions or symptoms in the previous 24 hours may not attend:

  • Fever above 99 degrees

  • Looking or acting very ill

  • Vomiting or diarrhea

  • Stomach ache after a recent injury, blow to the abdomen, or hard fall

  • Upset stomach or abdominal pain

  • Neck pain when the child’s head is touched or moved

  • Stiff neck or headache

  • A seizure for the first time

  • Unequal pupils

  • Constant or croup cough

  • Earache

  • Runny, reddened, or crusted eyes

  • Nasal discharge if not clear in color

  • Ringworm or head lice

  • Sore throat or swollen glands

  • Unexplained/unidentified face or body rash

  • Abnormally cranky, tired, confused, or fussy

  • Breathing so fast or had that the child cannot play, talk, cry, or drink

  • Stools that are black or have blood mixed through them

  • Not urinating at least once in 8 hours, dry mouth, no tears, or sunken eyes

Additionally, sometimes children come down with symptoms during school. If, in the opinion of our teachers, your child is too sick to remain in school (showing signs of any of the above conditions or symptoms), we will call you, your caregiver, or the emergency contact person to come pick up your child immediately.


The Preschool is not able to administer any medications, prescription or over-the-counter, to the children. In cases of severe allergies, our staff is trained to administer EPI PEN. A doctor’s written permission must be given to the school if the child has such allergies.


We ask that parents advise your child’s teachers and the Director if your child has any allergies to foods, insect bites or stings, or environmental elements (such as plants, mold, etc.). Please also advise us if your child has asthma. In order to protect children with nut allergies, the Preschool is an entirely nut-free facility. Please help us by not sending to school any food items that may contain nut products or have been manufactured in a facility that contains nuts.

Toilet Training

The Preschool views toilet training in much the same way as we do other learning tasks: children should not feel pressured or be rushed before they are ready. We believe there are individualized rates of development and accomplishment among children, especially with toilet training.

Children are not required to be toilet trained. Diapers are changed as needed throughout the school day. We ask that you keep an ample supply of diapers and wipes in your child’s box and refill as

We also encourage you to inform the teachers when you being toilet training your child at home, so we can work together to be sure that your child visits the bathroom often enough.

First Aid

Many of our teachers and staff are certified in First Aid and CPR for infants and toddlers.

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