*Application optimized for desktop use*
A written plan shall be maintained on file and available for the caregiver of any child less than 18 months of age.
NOTE: Breast milk shall be gently mixed but not be shaken. Refrigerated breast milk shall be used within 24 hours. Formula or breast milk that is served, but not completely consumed or refrigerated, shall be discarded. No milk, formula, or breast milk shall be warmed in a microwave oven.
Breast Feeding/Breastmilk
(formula, breastmilk,
100% fruit juice in a cup)
Semisolid Foods
(infant cereal, strained fruits
and/or vegetables)
Modified Table Foods
(mashed, soft, diced fruit and /or
vegetables, strained meat or
poultry, pieces of soft bread)
Finger Foods
(small pieces of soft/cooked table food, chopped food)
Note: Pacifiers with straps or other types of attachment devices are not permitted. Pacifiers must be removed when the child is crawling or walking