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First Day of School

When your child comes to school the first day, please have him/her bring the following:

  • A complete change of clothes – including season-appropriate pants, shirt, socks, sweater, shoes, and underwear (for children being toilet trained). Please remember to update as the seasons change, and please LABEL all items.

  • Photographs of any family members or friends who have permission to pick up your child from school.

  • Two photographs of your child and one photograph of your child with family.

  • Diapers and wipes (if applicable for your child).

  • One clear plastic box (shoebox size) labeled with your child’s name, to store the above items in their cubby


Our program provides toys and games. Therefore, we encourage children to leave personal toys and games at home. The staff respects that your child may feel more comfortable, especially at the start of the school year, by bringing a “special item” from home; however, we ask that toy guns, mouth toys, or oversized item be left at home.

We encourage children to bring a book, CD, or photos to school share with their friends when the items from home relate to topics or units that the class is studying. It is acceptable for children to share with their classmates in this manner.


Dress for success. Your child should always come dressed in practical, comfortable, and washable clothing. It is important that children be able to manage their own clothing as this encourages independence, especially when your child is in the process of mastering toileting skills.

We try to go outdoors to play each day. Outdoor play involves climbing, running, and jumping. These activities are important for large muscle development. It is important, as the weather gets colder, to dress your child appropriately: hats, mittens, boots, and snow pants. Fresh air and movement are important daily needs for children. Please leave at school or send appropriate outdoor clothing, as we venture outside daily. Be aware that weather conditions vary and may change over the course of the day.

Please remember to label all clothing, lunch boxes, and back packs. There are many children involved in the program, so it important that all belongings are clearly labeled.


Rubber soled shoes or sneakers are preferable for safety in indoor and outdoor play. We suggest your child wears comfortable, supportive shoes so that he/she can walk, run, jump, and climb with ease. Please do not send your child to school in open back shoes such as sandals, flip flops, or crocs, as they are unsafe. If your child wears rain or snow boots to school, please bring a change of footwear to wear while in school.

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